Definition Data Design

It may seem like a no-brainer, but unfortunately, there is still no data-driven design culture in the digital design industry.

I must admit that it was “hard” for me to realize it, but once I saw the benefits and how easy it was to apply it, I threw myself on my head. It’s actually what I’m doing with uiFromMars and the series I write on Medium, in which I describe how the project evolves.

This article will explain why you have to apply data-driven design (data-driven design or DDD in English), its benefits, and how to start with it.

Also Read: What Is Datadog? – Definition, Benefit, And More

What is data-driven design?

It is the process by which any decision related to the UI and UX of the web or application (that is: structure, functionality, etc.) is based on the data that has been obtained through analytical tools -for example, Google Analytics.

As designers, we must adopt this phrase from William Edwards Deming (American statistician):

If you wonder why you should design this way, I will summarize it in one sentence: those who create the products (designers, product owners, etc.) are usually not the end-users. They assume what the user needs and how they will use it, but they have no way of demonstrating it. Unless they use data designing by making assumptions usually leads to what is reflected in the following Brady Bonus image:

The benefits of data-driven design

As you may have deduced from the image above, the data-driven design allows you to design just what the user needs and not what you assume they need.

And this is essential: it is useless to launch a product or service that the user is not going to use, it does not have the functionalities that they need, or they are not going to use it as we expect.

The data-driven approach is used by leading CRO companies to provide top conversion optimization services. Effective use of data can increase conversions and lead your business to the path of success.

How to start designing using data

I know that all this sounds very nice, and you undoubtedly think it will be complex to apply it in any project. But it’s not like that.

To start designing with data, you must take into account the following points.

Integrate a measurement tool

If the project is yours, you can easily do it by signing up for Google Analytics with a Gmail account and integrating the code snippet that they provide on your website. If you work in a company, ask the technical / technology department, or escalate the request higher hierarchically, explaining why it is needed. And, if it is already implemented, it asks for access to the data.

Define what you want to measure

Google Analytics and the rest of the tools- can obtain a lot of data, and it is easy for you to crash. The first thing to keep in mind that you don’t need to know everything.

You have to think about what metric is associated with the goal you have in mind.

For example:

  • Doubt in which resolution to design? → Look in Audience> Mobile devices> Overview. In “Device Category,” specify “Browser size.”
  • Not sure which functionality users use the most? → Look at Behavior> Overview. You will see the most viewed pages.

Don’t be afraid of the numbers

As designers, and I include myself, we tend to think in more emotional aspects than in rational ones, and the numbers are just this: pure rationality.

You should see them as a tool that allows you to justify your work and not as something that limits your creativity. The numbers will guide your career towards a specific objective that will enable you to work better and with more security.

Also Read: Data-Driven Marketing: 4 Key Steps To Improve It