Backup As A Service

Backup As A Service

Companies are currently experiencing digital transformation processes, in which the implementation of computer technologies is increasingly important to ensure their most valuable asset: information.

For this reason, having a backup or backup is one of the primary technologies

that every organization that stores its data, such as customers and suppliers, needs to implement.

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What is Backup, and what is it for?

A Backup, also known as a backup, is copying physical or virtual files or databases to a secondary location for preservation in equipment failure or catastrophes.

Performing this process consistently is critical to a cyber attack and disaster recovery plan.

Benefits of having Backup

Benefits of having Backup

Making backup copies for your company provides a series of benefits related to information security and cost savings and makes your organization more competitive.

Ability to react to cyber attacks

In recent years, encryption attacks, also known as Ransomware, increased by 500%.

The level of cybersecurity in Peru is still considered relatively low

because most companies do not use Internet services that can secure your browsing and confidential information.

Therefore it is necessary to have a Backup service in Peru capable of storing and securing your organization’s data against any cyber attack.

For example, encryption attacks can result in the loss of 100% of the information stored on a corporate network.

Having a backup copy is possible to proceed with the disinfection of the equipment and deploy

its backup to resume its activities without having lost one single Kilobyte of information.

Supplemental security

Having the data of its customers and suppliers duly backed allows it to be a company with genuine respect for data protection, both for consumers and partners.

In Peru, it is estimated that the fines for breach of the data protection rule add up to around.

1 million soles, considering the offenses from 2019 until the beginning of 2020.

Against this, having a Backup or backup gives your organization greater security of the linked data, avoiding economic losses

through fines for taking risky actions such as centralizing data or storing them with a provider of little credibility.

Increased customer confidence

Users today are aware of the great value of their data. For this reason, knowing that a company has all. the technological measures to avoid losses, also leaks.

and theft of personal and corporate data, is to adapt your organization to the requirements of modern customers.

For example, in highly confidential sectors such as the health, banking, and insurance or education sectors, having a Backup is more critical

than ever because your clients’ data in the wrong hands can cause severe damage to the same.

In the banking and assurance sector, making these backup copies is required by the related and authorities.

In addition to obtaining the client’s trust, having a backup of information will allow proper compliance with the standard.

Reduce storage hardware costs

Due to the use of the web, the volume of information that companies can acquire is much greater.

than whatever  had access to before

the massification of the Internet, in this way to store the data of consumers, suppliers, and managers, a high investment in equipment such

as servers removable hard drives, among other equipment that requires maintenance and renovation.

On the contrary, a Backup service involves the Telco partner making its technology available to store the backup.

In this way, your company no longer has to worry about investing in new devices to back up your information.

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