In recent years, the pace of advances in technology has become rapid. It seems that every year there is a new business platform, application, or new piece of IT that promises to transform the world of business or offer consumers an improved experience.

In the last decade, some of the key advances in business tech have revolved around moving key software to the cloud (to allow cost-savings and more efficient business operations) and the use of advanced business intelligence platforms to drive improved decision-making and reduce uncertainty when making high-level decisions. These technologies have all been well received and have helped to modernize a range of organizations.

This article focuses on three other advanced technologies that are steadily becoming commonly used in a wide range of different businesses.

1.   Drones in pre-hospital care

One of the first sectors of business to recognize the value of drone usage was the agricultural sector. Drones are now commonly used to monitor large areas of farmland and give up-to-date information on expected crop yields and environmental conditions. However, the pre-hospital care sector of the wider healthcare industry is now starting to use this technology. Specifically, many ambulance services are now using drones to deliver payloads of emergency equipment (such as defibrillators) or essential medical supplies (including blood plasma and life-saving drugs) via the air. In remote rural areas or heavily congested urban locations, the drone can reach the scene of emergencies far quicker than could often be achieved by conventional land-based vehicles. In time-critical emergencies, this can be the difference between life or death for the patient.

2.   RNG algorithms for online gaming

The use of random number generators (RNG) is now widespread across the gaming industry. For example, gamblers who seek to test their luck on slot machines at a range of online casinos may first visit sites such as to find a suitable range of venues to choose from. Such sites list the bonuses and offers that online casinos provide to allow gamblers to make informed choices. Once a suitable site has been found, the games can begin.

If you are playing online slot machines or forms of video poker against a computer opponent, the outcomes will likely be governed by RNG algorithms. Put simply, this technology ensures fair play in online gaming and ensures that stated average payout percentages are achieved over many rounds of play. Professionally run online casinos are now highly regulated and must be able to demonstrate that their games are fair. By using advanced RNG technology, a level playing environment is assured, and gamblers will be able to test their luck on machines that have been rigorously inspected in terms of their win probabilities.

3.   Collaborative platforms supporting remote working

As a final key example, remote working has now become widely adopted by many types of organizations. While this model of work was mandatory for many firms during the height of the recent pandemic (to allow them to achieve business continuity while adhering to lockdowns and restrictions on the movement of citizens), it is still a widely valued model of work today. However, technology is required to ensure that effective collaboration takes place from a remote workforce and that tasks are not duplicated. Collaborative online platforms such as Slack and Google Workspace allow the progress of projects to be updated in real-time. Such platforms also typically feature team chat features that allow all workers to receive updates or new information during a project. Without these sophisticated platforms and the support of video conferencing applications, remote working would likely be far less productive and more chaotic.