Ways to Increase Traffic at iGaming Industry in 2021

The global iGaming industry has been growing rapidly for the past several years and the COVID-19 pandemic further fuelled the trend. As competition increases, bigger brands are at an advantage as they have unlimited resources for heavy promotions. Having said that, smaller businesses have a trick up their sleeve to level the playing fields and that is the beauty of SEO.

Search engine optimisation increases a website’s visibility and organic traffic over time, provided you follow the steps meticulously. This is why most iGaming affiliates are focusing on optimising their websites. Countless SEO strategies have proved to be effective. Let’s walk you through the top five.

Top 5 Hacks for Increasing Website Traffic

Before we begin, you must understand that there are no secret formulas or shortcuts in marketing. SEO strategies take time to materialise. Hence, you must follow the best practices and remain patient.

Work On-Site Crawlability

iGaming websites have a lot of content throughout the pages. Hence, you must submit the sitemap to Google and focus on interlinking to make the site crawlable for the robots. Fix broken page redirects, broken server redirects and remove unsupported scripts from your website to make your site crawler-friendly. Adding new content also helps with site crawlability. Consequently, it helps to have an updated blog section.

Improve Mobile Compatibility

Over 92% of daily Google searches are from mobile browsers. Therefore, iGaming affiliates must work on making their websites mobile-friendly to make the most of this opportunity. Google prioritises websites that support cross-platform accessibility. Hence, businesses must test their website’s mobile compatibility and fix any recurring issues that might negatively affect Google’s interpretation in any way.

Focus on Localised Content

Focusing on the local market is perhaps the biggest change in modern SEO practices. Google prioritises local search queries. Therefore, if your iGaming website isn’t tuned for catering to local punters, you’re missing out on a major opportunity. For instance, if you plan on running gambling campaigns in Finland, you must try and rank for local keywords, optimise your GMB listing, collect local reviews, and focus on local link building.

Optimise Slow Loading Pages

If your website takes ages to load, it won’t matter if you’ve optimised it by the book. Slow loading pages are an SEO disaster and must be dealt with at once. Considering most mobile sites lose a major percentage of visitors during loading, fixing load times is a no-brainer. There are several tools to help you find and fix slow-loading pages. You can directly compare the results with your competitors for clarity.

Remove Low-Quality Content

Great content is the backbone of any iGaming site. So, if the content on your website doesn’t offer value, it’s harming your SEO performance. Analyse the text on your website for readability, punctuation, and grammar. Remove clickbait and misleading titles and insert organic keywords. The content must be relevant to your business, must engage the audience, and must be tailored to their taste.