Definition Wireless

Wireless means that it lacks wire, being used to name those devices that serve to communicate using wiring, but can do so without using wires or cables. Although its use is widespread and has gained broad computing scope, other devices are also wireless, such as radio, television, or remote control.

We achieve the communication between transmitter and receiver through low radio frequency electromagnetic waves, which circulate through space scattering in many directions by an antenna, and we capture them by certain physical elements or ports that act as receivers of said waves, which we place in the dear sender and receiver. They also need a frequency band because to correctly communicate, the transmitter and the receiver must be on the same frequency. Some computers have a wired and wireless connection, both of which can be used, depending on the need. Those that use cables are faster and more secure, and the wireless ones allow more flexibility and convenience. Distances and interference can interfere with wireless communication. The development of satellite technology tends to solve some of these problems.

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We can distinguish various types of wireless networks. Although in practice we do not notice the difference, each of them has its peculiarities.


WAN (wide area network) networks are characterized by being able to cover large areas. Therefore, institutions such as universities or governments use them to create a unique network. Via satellites or antennas, several distant points can connect. The advantage of these is, above all, economical since a network can create quickly through land bases that act as a repeater and receiver.


WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) networks, which we talked about recently, are probably the best known. These networks allow you to connect multiple computers in a close location. With WLAN, you can share devices such as printers, as well as files and other resources. This type of network uses radio signals between 11 and 54 Mbps. We use them in mobile units, libraries, and facilities of this type.


On the other hand, there are PAN (personal area network) wireless networks or personal networks. These communicate equipment within a few meters of each other. Examples of these types of networks are Bluetooth or home automation installations. All computers and mobiles can connect within a home, using only a single transmitter.

Features Of Wireless Networks

In addition to wired networks, we have wireless networks, which use the air to transmit data.

They are essential because they offer us great portability, but the main problem is that the frequency bands can saturate.

To connect an optimal wireless network, we must do a previous study, with programs that exist in the market, to see which frequencies are busier than another and to be able to configure the optimal channels for our network and thus not have interference with neighboring networks.

There are network adapters for cable, wireless network adapters, and connectors through USB; they can be PC cards or PCI Express.

An essential concept that we have to consider when having wireless networks is the SSI (Service Set Identifier) ​​or service identifier, which is the name of the one that is going to radiate to know your wireless network.

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