The QR code (Quick Response Code) is square-shaped modules and unreadable, naked eye, which stores encoded information in a dot matrix with three small boxes in the corners. You only need to download a tool that you will find free in your App store to read them.

A brief review of its history

At the helm of QR codes is Denso Wave, a subsidiary of the Toyota Group, which created them in 1994. And, twenty-four years later, it is the most famous 2D barcode in the world. It was invented as an alternative to the traditional barcode that we have all seen hundreds of times on clothing labels or supermarket packaging.

But even though they were created two decades ago, they weren’t popular until a few years ago. What has led to the rise of the QR code? What has helped you gain ground over traditional principles? This 2D barcode would not have reached us without the push of new technologies. Its development is known in parallel to the evolution and consolidation of smartphones and marketing and advertising. With QR codes, the campaigns and strategies carried out on different brands are a marvel! They break with all the schemes and give it a novel touch that makes an impact. It is important to update, change course and provide a point of originality to our communication campaigns.

If you wonder how to use, create and decipher QR codes, don’t eat the coconut, it’s effortless. You only need to have a smartphone, tablet, or computer at hand, and you want to learn how to take advantage of this powerful tool! Some of the most recommended applications for reading QR codes are QR Code Reader, Barcode, Neoreader, or the SCAN reader, among many others.

Main functions of the QR code

There are multiple uses of QR codes. Here we only mention the most notable ones:

1. Storage and dissemination:

As it replaces the traditional barcode, its use is very similar to the previous one, although taken to the digital terrain in which we operate. In short, it serves to store information and disseminate it instantly and even creatively.

However, its use is associated solely oriented to the consumer and not so much with the seller. But we must be clear that it is an excellent source of feedback in addition to disseminating information.
Frequently, QR codes redirect us to a specific web page where we will find information of all kinds(contact details; time, date, and place of an event; offers and discounts; and a long etcetera).

Although, we may decrypt audiovisual information or files ready to download in pdf. In whatever form, its use has a lot to bring you. It will only enrich your knowledge, although everything has its pros and cons, and we must be vigilant. Be careful. There are QR codes with viruses!

2. Creation of relationships between company and consumer

They are useful for marketing campaigns and even to contact your audience and create closer ties with them but, beware, not all companies know how to integrate them or where to place them.

QR codes can provide a lot of valuable information if used correctly; otherwise, they can work against you. And It helps to be closer to customers, to know their needs and concerns, and, above all, to clarify the doubts that arise.

Do not miss the opportunity that QR codes give you, start getting the most out of it! It is an excellent way to awaken the curiosity of your followers and connect the physical world with the virtual one.

How to create a QR code?

Now that we know what these fashion codes are and their primary uses, we will tell you how to generate them. If you have not used QR codes to exploit your brand, you still have time! To create and customize them to your liking, we present you with three very intuitive tools. Most are simple and also free, although, in general, they request your registration on the website.

Unitag QR

Unitag offers the opportunity to use templates and even personalize QR codes by modifying the color or adding a design or logo. The good idea is to include a color according to the visual identity of your brand. How about?

QR Stuff

This tool allows you to generate QR codes without prior registration. The previous application offers to create QR codes from different destinations such as URLs, YouTube videos, phone numbers, etc. It also gives the possibility to customize it to modify the color to your liking and even make a preview of it before downloading it. If you have looked closely, they are no longer just black and white.

QR Code Generator

This website for making QR codes is straightforward to use. As soon as you access it, several options appear, such as URL, text, mp3, image, email, Facebook, or pdf, among others, so that you can select the most suitable for you and create the tool QR code in the blink of an eye. Eyes. You can also choose between being static or dynamic. And also, finally, download it! Besides, it has an ideal Google Chrome extension to have it on hand whenever you need it.

Although all three are similar, they can be complementary. There is a world of QR’s to discover and infinite possibilities of use and creation! What are you waiting for to join the QR revolution? We already have done