Definition Virtual

Teaching represents a challenge for finding new dynamics and ways of transmitting our knowledge to others, especially when information is almost immediate and our socialization dynamics have changed.

Virtual education is one of the new teaching methods today and uses technology to educate remotely, removing the barriers of distance and, why not, time.

On this page, you will learn more about this way of teaching: what it is, what implications it has today, and what is the role of the teacher, among others.

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What is Virtual Education?

Also known as online teaching, it refers to the development of teaching-learning dynamics that is carried out virtually. There an educational format where teachers and students can interact differently from the face-to-face space.

How is It Approached?

It relies on ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) since it uses the tools offered by the internet and new technologies to provide adequate and high-quality educational environments.

It essential to bear in mind that virtual education related to distance education, which was taken due to the need for quality educational coverage for people who cannot travel to a physical training center due to distance and time.

Virtual education complements this type of academic modality. It improves the dynamics of student training and offers more excellent support to teachers for the student’s educational development and monitoring. Let’s see below the evolution that distance education has had and its relationship with virtual education:


  • It admits access to information immediately.
  • It offers flexibility in managing time when studying and where to connect to study from.
  • Offers autonomy over the learning process.


  • If you are a person whose learning process facilitated by face-to-face guidance or has concentration problems, perhaps online education is not so functional for you.
  • Since virtual education knows no geographical barriers and can access international training programs in many countries and, according to the legislation, failures invalidate the degrees obtained. Therefore, you must review the type of educational validation that your country supports to avoid future inconveniences.
  • Online learning does not eliminate other types of teaching, nor should it cancel them. As it must integrate into the multiple learning styles that a person can have.
  • In this way, it is possible to aim for global learning, learning in which everyone. Achieves their goals at their own pace and way of learning.
  • Online teaching is the most common style of education today. And we can use it to reach out to our students and address their needs.
  • It is not necessary to close to this possibility of learning. On the contrary, it is essential to know what dynamics move there to offer or receive knowledge.

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