
vc black silicon valleypardeswired – In an article by Pardes for Wired, titled “The Rise of VC Blacks in Silicon Valley: A Deep Dive”, the author examines how Black entrepreneurs fare while trying to gain venture capital (VC) in Silicon Valley. The piece highlights the experiences of Vern Howard, a Black-based digital events startup founder. During meetings with several venture capitalists and notable investors, Howard was met with microaggression and dismissive jokes about his vision for Hallo. Despite finally securing a $2 million seed round for his project, Howard found that other comparable startups had raised ten times as much money through VC.

What is VC Black silicon?

What is VC Black silicon?

VC black silicon talks about the Black-based venture capital in Silicon Valley. In the phrase “VC black silicon”, VC stands for venture capital. On Wired, in an article by Pardes, an author wrote about venture capital. The title stated, “Yet another year of venture capital being white.” In this, she presented the problems faced by black people in meetings with venture capitalists.

Pardes shared the story of Howard, a black. The article displayed his entire level. He showed all the problems Howard was facing in his business. This problem was taken till Silicon Valley.

“VC Black Silicon” refers to venture capital (VC) explicitly targeting African American entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley region. It has been an ongoing issue in the tech industry, with many African American business owners encountering difficulty securing resources for their businesses from venture capitalists. Wired Magazine published an article exploring this phenomenon and highlighting the stories of Howard, a black entrepreneur struggling to get his business off the ground with limited access to VC funds.

An article by Pardes on Wired discussed the lack of diversity in the venture capital industry and how difficult it can be for entrepreneurs from underrepresented groups to secure investments. The article followed the story of Howard, a Black entrepreneur struggling to gain traction with VCs due to his inability to fit into their ideal ‘entrepreneur’ image. Despite being qualified and having a well-written business plan, Howard was repeatedly overlooked, highlighting the systemic discrimination within the industry, even here in Silicon Valley.

vc black silicon wired review

vc black silicon wired review

The author Pardes wrote an article on Wired about black people in the venture capital field in Silicon Valley. He started by representing Howard’s story. Howard is a black who has his startup named “Hallo.” He met many venture capitalists to invest in his startup. But, the experiences were the worst for Howard. A venture capitalist mistakes Howard for a delivery man because he is black. And another VC was joking about him that he would run with the money to Mexico. Lastly, the venture capitalists didn’t respond to him well, and Howard felt discriminated against.

While doing all this, his competitors were making ten times his money. Howard was not surprised, though, as he knew this would happen to him. The venture capital is filled with whites. The whites are ruling the venture capital. At the same time, blacks are in the 1 per cent of those 100. When it comes to black women, the percentage is even less.

Vc black silicon wired Reddit

Vc black silicon wired Reddit

Pardes also mentioned what the co-founder of Reddit, Alexis Ohanian, said in that post. Alexis Ohanian, the co-founder of Reddit, said, “I think 2022 crystalized for a lot of people that we need to do better and to build more intentionally.” He is also an initialized capital, a venture capital firm. Alexis Ohanian launched a new fund in November with an operator-in-residence program. It was called the “Seven Seven Six Fund.” In this, venture capitalists can get training and experience formal mentorship. Ohanian said, “I wanted to put something together that was deliberate from day one, that could look at how to do the job of venture from first principles and generate even greater returns, and seek out an even great range of founders.”

Vc black silicon valley Pardes wired

Vc black silicon valley Pardes wired

With renewed rhetoric from the VCs promising to make changes in light of Black Lives Matter, some Black tech founders report that it is a bit easier to get meetings. Unfortunately, investments remain few and far between despite the increased networking opportunities. Brittany Howard, the founder of Pardes WIRED, spoke out on this note, stating, “there’s a ton of noise…but I can’t say I see a ton of change.”

Despite the much-publicized talk of investing in Black founders in Silicon Valley, one founder, Howard Pardes of Wired, is still unconvinced real change has occurred. Howard notes that while it’s become easier to get meetings with VCs, there still has yet to be meaningful action taken towards investing in Black startup founders. He feels that change is yet to come, and as he recently began fundraising again, he expresses his hope for more significant equity in the industry moving forward.

While many in the tech industry have been vocal about their desire to make Silicon Valley more accessible to Black founders, few have put action behind their rhetoric. As venture capital (VC) firms adjust to new calls for change and reform, some Black founders say it’s somewhat easier to get meetings with VCs. However, they need tangible investments – not just conversations – to create meaningful impact. Founders like Tiana Howard continue to wait for significant changes within the ecosystem, noting that while there is plenty of noise, they cannot yet see fundamental transformations.

The best ideas win sometimes.

But the stories don’t entirely paint a bleak picture. In fact, in places like Oakland and Beyond, many African Americans are using their unique innovation to push back against Silicon Valley and its structures of power.

Wired magazine has taken a deep dive into the emerging trend of VC Blacks—venture capitalists of colour who have found success in their own right with investments that shape our technology landscape and usher in a new way of doing business.

It highlights the journey of five black venture capitalists utilizing their keen sense to identify promising startups that could ultimately bridge the wealth gap in the Bay Area. Their strategic approach utilizes tangible capital investments and opportunities for mentorship to create an ecosystem that not only lifts specific companies but spotlights founders across all intersections of race, gender and class.

These trailblazers demonstrate how prophetic words can penetrate the darkness and transform our world into functional spaces where everyone has access to capital regardless of background or privilege.



VC is an acronym for Venture Capital, which refers to the capital businesses use to invest in new or growing companies. Black Silicon is a term used to refer to the Black venture capital industry in Silicon Valley – specifically to African American investors trying to close equity gaps in technology and innovation by investing in Black-owned startups. Pardes wrote an article on Wired detailing the ongoing problem of racism amongst venture capitalists, specifically a story of one African American investor. The report highlighted Howard, a black entrepreneur, ‘s struggles when meeting with potential VCs, ultimately highlighting the inequalities within Silicon Valley’s tech industry.