Definition Electronics

Electronics, as its name suggests, is any technology that indicates that a flow of electrons goes from one place to another.

The first to see the effect of electrons moving from one place to another was Thomas Alva Edison. When he invented the light bulb, he wanted to prevent his bulb from turning black due to the heat generated by the electrons in the filament when heated. To avoid this, he put a small metal sheet between the carbon filament. In one of his experiments, he polarized this sheet with a favorable current and saw that the filament’s electrons went towards the positive metallic sheet. I call this, of course, the Edison effect. Later others developed this effect, perfecting it and understanding that specific devices could do things electronically. In this way, what we know today as electronics was born.


A transistor can cause a current to lower its input voltage or raise it. A resistor can cause the voltage it receives to drop. A capacitor can create an oscillation. The electronic components of an apparatus or machine do various things to the stream of electrons. What they do to you can be understood through specific laws of physics.

For this reason, it is possible to predict and calculate the behavior of the electrons will be. This understanding, as well as its implementation, is what we refer to today as electronics. It, therefore, has a study component and another application or practice component.

The study component can take from the simple knowledge of calculating small circuits to an entire career in Electronic Engineering. The practice requires from the basic understanding of soldering with tin, to the creation of environments with machines capable of assembling and welding components, to create products which can consume by the general public.

Electronics encompasses many fields of modern life. In fact, our world would not be as it is (good or bad) without electronics.

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For initiation in electronics, you need essential equipment as:

  1. Fine tip tin soldering iron
  2. A tin roll
  3. Solder paste
  4. An electric meter or multi meter
  5. And a lot of patience and dedication.

More materials would require, but those comment would be enough to start studying and practicing.

The electronic circuits allow the conversion and distribution of electrical energy so that they can be used in the processing and control of information. At a general level, it can be said that an electronic system is made up of sensors (which are also called inputs or transducers) that receive physical signals and transform them into current (voltage) signals. The system circuits interpret and convert, in turn, the signals from the sensors that arrive at the actuators (or outputs), which once again transform the voltage into physical signals, now useful.

On the other hand, electronic signals can be divided into two groups: analog (whose number of values is finite) or digital (which work with limited values).

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