Definition Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a model or paradigm for the use of computing resources, which is entirely Internet-based. These resources, which usually are software applications, but which can also be file storage, databases, email, etc. Reside on remote servers to access them from anywhere in the world, constantly that has a browser and also an Internet connection.

Understanding the concept of cloud computing

Cloud computing is a model of access to computer systems. Data and applications are hosted on the Internet and in remote computer centers to be used from any point that has a network-connected world. Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to manage files and use programs without installing them locally on their computers. This technology offers much more efficient use of resources, such as storage, memory, processing, and bandwidth.

The term “cloud” acts as a metaphor for the Internet. It originates from the cloud used to represent the Internet in network diagrams as an abstraction of its infrastructure.

Example of cloud computing

A simple example of cloud computing is the Google Docs / Google Apps electronic document and application system. For its use, it is not necessary to buy or install software or have a server. A broadband connection is enough to be able to use any of its services. The server and the management software are located in the cloud (Internet) and are directly managed by the service provider. In this way, it is much simpler for the consumer to enjoy the benefits. Information technology becomes a service consumed in the same way that we consume electricity or water.

In the past (and present), the PC’s traditional use has not changed much: We installed an operating system. After installing it, we look for applications (software), which we also install on our computer, allowing us to perform various tasks. So we have Office applications (Word, Excel), design or photography applications (Photoshop, Illustrator), multimedia applications (Music Player, Videos). One could mention countless software that we download, install, and use.

In contrast to the above, the idea of ​​cloud computing is that thanks to technological advances, we no longer need these applications to reside on our PC since we can access similar services from the browser. Do you need to edit documents? There are alternatives such as Google Docs or Office 365, which offer us similar tools. Photo editing? There is Thumba or Pixlr. Music? They don’t even have to download or have the songs. These can live quietly in the cloud, and we can access the pieces not only locally (from a computer) but we can do it from another PC, our phone, or any other device connected to the web.

Uses and applications

We can apply cloud computing in almost any environment: from the small merchant who needs an e-commerce website, quickly and cheaply, to the large companies, who want to reduce expenses and avoid the difficulties of managing a center complex computation.

Cloud computing services range from individual business applications, such as customer and contact manager, accounting and financial software, or office software, to high-performance IT outsourcing for complex 3D designs, motion pictures, or scientific research.

The customer can decide which applications to use and choose between those that are free and those that are not. In paid applications, the cost will depend on various variables. Such as the contracted service, the time that this service has been used, the volume of data traffic used, the number of users, etc.



The most basic cloud services work on their own. For more complex database and software services, cloud computing allows you to skip the hardware acquisition phase and also the associated expense, making it perfect for business start-ups.


Most vendors constantly update their software, adding new features as soon as they are available.


Quickly adaptable to growing businesses or seasonal peaks, as the cloud system can cope with significant workload increases. This increases the agility of response, reduces risks and operational costs because it only scales what grows and only pays for what you use.


The cloud system is designed to be used remotely, so company staff will have access to most systems wherever they are.

Minimum investment

The provider offers services to several companies that benefit from sharing a complex infrastructure and paying only for what they use.


Everything indicates that cloud computing is an unstoppable technological trend. Which is progressively but surely adopted by companies of all kinds, especially SMEs. The predictions confirm that companies in our country have understood the significant advantages of cloud computing and are willing to take advantage of this model to boost their corporate growth.