Transform Your Business With SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is a communication technique that is being used by businesses to engage with customers in a more effective way. This simple and easy to use messaging tool can be used to help transform a business digitally. Digital transformation of a business is not difficult. It can be done in as simple a way as activating SMS marketing. When your business starts using text messaging you will be taking a big step towards digitally transforming your business.

Why digitally transform a business?

There are various reasons why you should digitally transform your business. These reasons outline the benefits of digital transformation using SMS marketing.

  • You will be using a digital tool that a large majority of people have access to.
  • When you reach out to customers, the chances are that 97% of them will read your message in 3 minutes.
  • You will be available 24/7 for your customers and potential customers.
  • You can use a marketing technique that 86% consumers approve of.

How to digitally transform your business through SMS marketing?

You can digitally transform your business by using SMS to interact with customers. The following are some ways by which you can use SMS marketing in your business.

1) Respond instantly to customers

In today’s digital world, it is important to remain in touch with the customers at all times. It is equally important to be in touch immediately. Customers are in a hurry and are not willing to wait endlessly. When they have a query or want information, they expect an immediate response. SMS is the best way to provide an immediate response. It can be provided by replying individually or by automating the replies using keywords.

2) Send updates and alerts to customers

Customers want to be informed at all times. Such information can be sent in the form of updates, alerts, and notifications. This would be easy to send when SMS is used. Here is all that you can send to customers through SMS:

  • Details of orders from customers and invoice link.
  • Update on order status and delivery status.
  • Status of warranty.
  • Updates on appointments scheduled.
  • Appointments reminders as well reminders for payment.

3) Get feedback from customers

Feedback is essential for improvement. It is also important to understand if the customer is happy with your services. Taking feedback becomes easy when you use SMS. It is a great way to know what your customer is thinking. You can send feedback questions to customers and ask them to reply to them.

4) Manage business promotions

The ultimate aim of digital transformation is to boost your business. You can do that by running promotional campaigns through SMS marketing. This will help you improve your sales by encouraging customers to buy.

You can subscribe to an SMS marketing service today and start using SMS to digitally transform your business. With SMS marketing you will be able to engage better with your customers in a simple, easy, and effective way. You can look forward to boosting your business by using SMS marketing.