What SEOs Need to Recognize Approximately Scrape Baidu in 2024

Scrape Baidu

Scrape Baidu- Interested in breaking into the Chinese search marketplace? Columnist Hermes Ma shares some recent Baidu updates and SEO advice for those looking to rank in the Chinese seek engine.

The first half of 2017 was demanding for Baidu, which witnessed a recession in lively advertisers and stagnant revenue. Nonetheless, we see the hunt extensively placing a large number of resources into AI and into constructing China’s web atmosphere

If you’re in the business of inbound advertising to the Chinese market, this newsletter is for you. I even have wrapped up the maximum vast updates and hints officially given using Baidu Webmaster Tools (BWT) within the listing below. Ready? Let’s get begin.

Scrape Baidu MIP Ramping Up

Mobile Instant Pages (MIP) have reached several milestones in the first six months of 2017:

  • five 400 websites have constructed and submitted their MIP pages.
  • Over 1 billion cell pages are now on MIP.
  • Every day, tens of millions of clicks to MIP pages from Baidu Search.

Moreover, MIP now has 215 additives constructed for public use. The response time of the MIP cache has been optimized with a pace that will increase by 50 percent or faster. And MIP now has enabled mip-set up-service worker for offline caching.

Despite Being a Derived Version of Google’s AMP

Despite being a derived version of Google’s AMP, he explained that MIP is optimized for internet users in China who use different browsers and extraordinary surfing behaviors from those inside the West. Baidu and Google have collaborated for a quicker net; in fact, Baidu helped Google set up its AMP CDN in China.

Baidu has listed an excellent range of AMP pages, although those don’t show the lightning icon in Baidu’s search results like MIP pages (see display shot below). Therefore, I suggest installing MIP instead of AMP for websites only serving the target market from Mainland China.

Can You Scrape Baidu

Extracting statistics from un/semi/structured websites is increasingly not unusual. Since facts are constantly accumulated, modified, and subtle, it’s miles increasingly beneficial to serve them through internet protocols instead of flat documents that might download. Furthermore, a lot of spatial data collection has come to be personal, which means that companies have more powerful incentives to protect their datasets and curate what is to be had by others.

In different instances, the consumer or the analyst calls for the most influential small segment of the dataset. In these times and others, statistics is served through a web-primarily based protocol. Harvesting records typically automate sending requests to the web server and parsing the output to extract relevant facts for storage and evaluation.

The legality of Scrape Baidu

Different jurisdictions have different legal regulations and permissions on net scraping. In addition, cease-person agreements save you certain moves (garage, retrieval, replication, etc.). Please ensure you share in those earlier than attempting to make a nearby replica of the facts you might privately own.

In trendy, scraping requires automated and repeated requests to the server. As long as these requests are not a disruptive rate, you may not likely run afoul of legality. However, local information garage and replication of offerings is an entirely exclusive ball game. Please consult a lawyer.

Many Public and Government Websites

Many public and government websites also serve up records using internet protocols. It is, consequently, beneficial to discover ways to parse the outputs of those requests: a few times, non-public corporations with Google, Baidu, Instagram, etc. Additionally offer software programming interfaces (API) that serve information in a dependent format. Giving up personal agreements, rate limits, daily quotas, and restrictions on garages and transfers is difficult. Nevertheless, it may be viable to get admission to datasets that might be otherwise unavailable.

An example of the use of Baidu

Baidu is a generation provider business enterprise offering offerings, maps, and social networking.

In this post, we will question Baidu for factors of interest around Wuhan, China, much like Google Places.

Setting Up

As preferred, all APIs require registration and perusal of documentation so that queries may be based correctly. In Baidu’s case, extra steps might be necessary so that the IP copes with the pc you are querying from and isn’t block for abuse. Please see the documentation

We are Acquiring API keys.

Every request to API calls for a key so the website can manipulate the how lots and who can get admission to the statistics. To accumulate a key, we need to :


The other improvement Baidu is driving in China is the cozy net. Baidu Webmaster Tools released a new feature of HTTPS Site Authentication in May, allowing HTTPS websites to have a higher presence on Baidu SERPs.

Previously, while adequately supporting HTTPS pages, Baidu didn’t realize whether or not to index a non-relaxed web page or a comfy page. As a result, sites had to construct two variations with one-of-a-kind protocols to impact indexation better. Once this authentication is done, your website’s best-at-ease pages can be indexed and supplied on the SERPs.