Agency to Manage Google AdWords Campaign

Google Ads have always been a topic of discussion in business circles. And the buzz is rightful. A few figures that prove it.

  • In 2017, over 7 billion digital marketers had invested a total of $10.01 billion in pay-per-click ads.
  • In 2018, 62% of marketers said they’d increase their PPC budget in the coming year.
  • The same year businesses earned an average of $2 for every $1 they invested on Google Ads.
  • In 2019-20, 74% of brands accepted that PPC is a driver of their business success.
  • 64% of brands said they wanted to increase their ad spend even more in the upcoming year, i.e., in 2020-2021

The figures for this year haven’t arrived yet. But you see the growth trajectory, right?

Ready to jump on the Google Ads bandwagon?

Don’t hop alone.

Hire an agency to manage your Google AdWords Campaign.


I can do it myself.

Why pay someone else to do that?

There are enough guides available online.

Can’t I get a Google AdWords certification myself?

I can hire someone in-house, right?

Any freelance Google ads specialist would do that for me. Quick and cheap.

Well, if you are hell-bent on jeopardizing your pay-per-click campaign, we cannot stop you.

However, if you wish to find a cost-effective and fail-proof alternative to freelancers, DIYing, and building an in-house team from scratch, we’ve got something for you.

Here are five advantages of hiring an agency to manage your Google AdWords Campaign.

Read on and make the right call.

1.     Keep Up With The Changes of Google AdWords

Did you know 98% of Google’s revenue comes from AdWords?

Now, you think Google will stop at anything to keep AdWords up-to-date?

Every year Google rolls out plenty of new features, policies, and algorithm updates. That’s good for the users. Ads get better. More relevant and targeted.

But for those running Ad campaigns, it means they have to understand the update and implement changes.

Do you have the time for that?

Agency experts would. And also the inclination to learn in detail about the changes. That’s their job, after all.

Keeping up with Google’s updates is no joke. One tweet and one tweak can water down your entire ad campaign strategy.

And you wouldn’t want to sit in front of your screen studying what changed and how it affects you when you’d be having customers lined up outside your storefront, do you?

2. Agencies Are Like Google Insiders

The Google Ads helpline is fast. But there are faster ways to reach Google. And those routes go through professional Google AdWords agencies.

Believe it or not, Google’s own training and resources about account handling and new features are better than anything you’d get online. Plus, agencies gain access to Beta features (read: features designed to increase performance).

Want to miss out on that? Be your own campaign manager by all means.

Freelancers would never be able to give you that.

And by the time you hire a team that’s resourceful enough, prospective customers would have made their purchase. From your competitor.

Don’t want that to happen?

Hire an agency.

The right agency will be practically a Google insider. You’d want them on your team before you see your competitors shaking hands with them.

1. They Bring Qualitative And Quantitative Experience To The Table

Google AdWords isn’t as simple as it sounds. Anyone can run a campaign. But not everyone can run a successful campaign.

Mastery in Google AdWords comes with experience.

Up for failing a couple of times to get that coveted experience?

An agency would come with that experience.

Plus, PPC agencies have a team that has worked with multiple clients. So they know what works for what type of business or niche.

They will also know the ground reality about the benchmarks and thresholds. Hands-on experience gives them access to a lot of data too. Data that you’d not find elsewhere. Data that can guide decision-making.

With so much qualitative and quantitative experience guiding them, agency experts are able to run campaigns much more effectively than someone who is just reading an online step-by-step guide.

2. Agencies Can Fast Forward Your Journey To PPC Success

Agencies Are Like Google Insiders

72% of companies themselves accepted to not having looked at their AdWords account in over a month.

Leaving your campaign running as it is for a month is literally the shortcut to blowing up your investment.

You start an ad campaign today. Now, you set it and forget it for a month.

After a month, you log in to your account.

The campaign didn’t work as expected.

A few tweaks are needed.

You’ve lost a considerable amount of your budget on a poorly set up campaign.

But anyway, you make the changes and start afresh.

After a couple of days, you check back again.

The results point you towards a few more tweaks.

What do you think would happen earlier?

A – The end of your PPC budget

B – A perfect strategy that would need no change?

If you think the latter, stop being delusional.

A PPC agency will have experts constantly monitoring, managing, updating, and bettering your campaign. They will be on top of their game every day.

You have a hundred other things to do. But a Google ads specialist? That’s what they do. Day-in, day-out.

They can save you from spending your budget on ill-planned campaigns. And also from waiting for success with a slow-moving campaign.

Fast track your way to Google ads success with an expert agency.

3. Hiring An Agency = Onboarding A Multi-Disciplinary Team

Okay, you hired freelancers. Google AdWords certified, reliable, and perfect in all aspects.

But do you expect one individual to be a pro in all aspects?

Sure their keyword research skills could be exemplary.

But what if your campaign has a low click-through rate?

What if you need a better ad copy?

What if you need AdWords extensions to boost your campaign results?

With each expert you add to your team for each of these specializations, your costs would start to pile up too.

When working with an agency, all that is not your concern anymore.

Whatever skills are needed and whoever needs to be hired for the job is not your problem.

You just get the results that you were promised.

Specialized Google AdWords agencies already have a multi-disciplinary team on board. The team has a bunch of experts who can overlook all aspects of your PPC campaign.

Bonus Advantage: Agencies Can Offer More Than Just AdWords Services

Google AdWords is just one warrior in your digital marketing army. There is website optimization, SEO, email marketing, and a lot more too.

You won’t be able to do all of it on your own.

Managing as many freelancers as the number of tasks would get taxing and hectic.

And building an entire digital marketing team in-house would be a major investment.

Agencies, however, have all the skilled experts under one roof.

You just have to ask them for the service, and your digital marketing efforts can get started within hours.

Hire Google AdWords Specialists Today

Don’t wait up anymore. Hire a Google AdWords expert or a team of experts through an agency like Uplers today.

Uplers has expert webmasters, digital marketers, and PPC experts who can offer all sorts of services. Their experience and skill are unmatched. And their dedication reflects in the results they yield for their clients.

Contact the experts now to kickstart your Google AdWords campaign today.